What are you afraid of? We sometimes throw this question around as a challenge, a dare, and yet many of us face very real fears in our daily lives: fear of the future, of hurt, of betrayal, of death. How do we handle these fears? What can we do with them? This Halloween night, you’re invited to bring those fears and hold them up to see them in a different light. Christ Church Cathedral will be open from 7 pm with interactive prayer installations relating to day-to-day fears. Prayer ministry will also be available for those who would like someone to pray with them about a need. An alternative style All Saints’ Eucharist begins at 8 pm. The Rev Dr Anne Lodge will be the preacher. She is Intern Deacon in the parishes of Raheny and Coolock and Director, Church of Ireland Centre, DCU Institute of Education, DCU All Hallows’ campus. The cathedral will remain open until 10:00 pm. Stop for just a little while or stay for the whole evening. All are welcome. Free of charge.