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The Dublin Garden Festival 2015

Friday 19th to Sunday 21st June


Following on from the success of last year, Christ Church Cathedral is delighted to announce the second Dublin Garden Festival, taking place from Friday 19th to Sunday 21st June 2015.

Prepare to be enchanted and enthralled by majestic flower arrangements and installations cascading throughout the Cathedral. Hundreds of flowers will be used to create a stunning display of contemporary and traditional floral designs, under the lead of artistic director and award-winning floral artist, Christopher White.

The building’s wonderful architecture, its vast spaces and detailed craftsmanship provide a unique and striking backdrop. Against the stone walls of the Cathedral and illuminated by sunlight pouring through the stained glass windows, the flower installations promise to be a sight to behold and a reason to rejoice.

To complement the event, a summer market with food, craft and garden stalls will be held outside in the Cathedral’s historic grounds. Further details soon.


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