Christ Church Community Chorus are project-based choir who meet once a week in the lead-up to performances at the Cathedral. Anyone can join!
You don’t have to be able to read music or be an experienced singer. It’s completely free and you can sign up on a project-by-project basis. The only requirement for membership is that you’re willing to have a go.
The choir is led by a music team of dedicated, experienced professionals who will make you feel welcome and at ease. The choir’s aim is to make high-quality, enjoyable music-making at the Cathedral open to everyone.
The choir’s first project will be Songs My Heart Has Taught Me, taking place between September and December 2023. We will perform two choral works with an instrumental ensemble and soloists from the Cathedral Choir: Songs My Heart Has Taught Me, four gorgeous songs on themes of inclusivity written in 2021 by Bob Chilcott, and Vivaldi’s classic Gloria. The concert date is Sunday 17 December 2023.