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Lecture at Christ Church Cathedral 5 October 2015

We are delighted to welcome The Revd Dr John Philip Newell to deliver a lecture entitled The Rebirthing of God: Reconnecting with the Earth on Monday October 5th at 8pm.

We are in the midst of transition. Much of Western Christianity, as we have known it, is in a state of collapse. Something new is trying to be born. One of the features of this new birthing is a growing awareness of the sacredness of the earth. The renowned Scottish Celtic teacher, John Philip Newell, outlines his vision of what that will look in ‘The Rebirthing of God: Reconnecting with the Earth’.

John Philip Newell, the celebrated author of Listening for the Heartbeat of God: A Celtic Spirituality, is one of the most prominent Christian teachers of spirituality in the Western world. Formerly Warden of Iona Abbey in the Western Isles of Scotland, he now divides his time between Edinburgh, where he does most of his writing, and travelling and teaching internationally. His most recent visionary title is The Rebirthing of God: Christianitys Struggle for New Beginnings. (

Admission to the lecture is €5. Cash only.

Please note that this talk takes place in our historic Music Room and is therefore not wheelchair accessible.

Rebirth Poster Press


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