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Looking Ahead to Refugee Week, 20-26 June

Refugee Week logo

During Refugee Week this year we’re looking forward to hosting ‘Journeys of Healing’, a creative exhibition featuring art, poetry and reflections on refugee and asylum-seeker experiences.

Join us for a cup of tea or coffee, and you may even have the chance to meet and chat with one of the artists! Special free-of-charge evening opening hours:

Monday, 20 June: 18.00-20.00. Opening night of the exhibition!

Tuesday, 21 June: 18.00-20.00, with screening of a new short film following up on the ‘Homing Pigeons: Birds with Wishes’ project in collaboration with Places of ARCture. Film showing starts at 19.00.

Wednesday, 22 June: 18.00-20.00, with information and discussion about the SafeHaven programme, an initiative of Dublin City Interfaith Forum to provide training and support for faith leaders and faith-based organisations on how to respond to hate-motivated incidents. SafeHaven discussion will begin at 19.00.

Saturday, 25 June: 19.00-20.00, our final evening. Featuring poetry reading by one of our project participants, Marie-Claire Mundi Njong. Poetry reading will begin at 19.30.

This video offers a sneak preview of some of the work by Manar Alshouha, one of the ‘Journeys of Healing’ project participants:

Sanctuary Sunday Service

26 June, 15.00

All are very welcome to join us for Choral Evensong sung by the cathedral choir, with guest preacher Dr Ebun Joseph, Founder and Director of the Institute of Antiracism and Black Studies, and Chairperson of the African Scholars Association Ireland (AFSAI).


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