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Open Doors Quiet Morning 17th May 2014

Open Doors Quiet Morning

Have you ever used movement to help you pray? It sounds a bit strange, doesn‘t it? But that is exactly what will be happening at a quiet morning in Christ Church Cathedral.

As part of the Open Doors quiet morning series, spiritual movement will be a prayer practice taught on Saturday 17th May 2014 between 10am-1pm.

The Revd Garth Bunting, organiser of the quiet mornings, said, “When I was first introduced to this particular reflective prayer practice I was very reticent. It felt very far away from anything I ever understood about ways to pray. Bernadette guided the group I was a part of in a very sensitive and supportive way and I found, to my surprise, that movement of the kind taught could lead me to connect with God.

Bernadette Purcell, who will lead the quiet morning, has a passion for this particular way of connecting with God. She uses spiritual movement regularly in her own prayer life and helps people to discover God through it by teaching the practice.

€œSacred movement is a reflective tool that embodies the spiritual aspect of each of us. All steps and movement are taught and experienced in a circle. Music enhances the experience and brings the participant into a deep place of peace, reflection and prayer. It is worth a risk trying it out! says Bernadette.

If you would like to “risk it”, or know more, then please book a place on this quiet morning by contacting Garth Bunting at the cathedral, on 01 6778099 or by email ei.budccc@gnitnub.htrag


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