We would like to invite all musicians of whatever level to sing with Christ Church Cathedral Choir at a Diocesan Come-and-Sing performance of The Crucifixion by John Stainer at Christ Church Cathedral on Monday 21 March at 8pm during Holy Week. Our Cathedral Residential Priest Vicar, Revd Garth Bunting, has launched a project to raise €10,000 for Al Ahli Hospital in Gaza. We are supporting Fr Garth by promoting this charity fundraising concert as part of a collaboration with our Cathedral Music Outreach Project. As we continue to develop strong and positive relationships with the parish churches of the United Dioceses of Dublin & Glendalough, we invite diocesan parish musicians to join us in supporting Fr Garth to raise money for Al Ahli Hospital in Gaza.
To register as a participating singer please contact Ian Keatley (Organist & Director of Music) ei.hcruhctsirhc@nai / 01 677 8099. Hire copies and online rehearsal copies will be made available to participating singers.
Monday 21 March
Christ Church Cathedral
Singers Participation Fee €15
Audience Tickets €20 (from christchurchcathedral.ie)
Rehearsal 5.30pm
Concert 8pm