Monday 2nd
All Day Sheep Trail. For further information please see the events section of our website.
1.45pm Last cathedral admission
Tuesday 3rd
All Day Sheep Trail. For further information please see the events section of our website.
1.30pm Shopper’s Carols sung by Belvedere College Junior Choir. Free admission to the cathedral during the recital.
7.00pm Cathedral Nights; Watching and Waiting. For further information please see the events section of our website.
Wednesday 4th
All Day Sheep Trail. For further information please see the events section of our website.
1.30pm Shopper’s Carols sung by Mount Carmel Choir. Free admission to the cathedral during the recital.
Thursday 5th
All Day Sheep Trail. For further information please see the events section of our website.
Friday 6th
All Day Sheep Trail. For further information please see the events section of our website.
Saturday 7th
All Day Sheep Trail. For further information please see the events section of our website.
2.00pm Christmas Decoration Workshop. For more details and bookings please contact ei.hcruhctsirhc@ynnek.htur
8.00pm Sankta Lucia Concert. For further information please see the events section of our website.
Sunday 8th
All Day Sheep Trail. For further information please see the events section of our website.
8.00pm Chamber Choir Ireland Concert. For further information please see the events section of our website.