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Christ Church Cathedral Dublin
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Choir midterm break

Christ Church Cathedral Christchurch Place, Dublin 8, Dublin

Please note that the Cathedral choir is on a well-deserved midterm break from 30 October - 8 November inclusive. Please see our calendar for daily services during these dates.

Event Series Morning Prayer

Morning Prayer

Christ Church Cathedral Christchurch Place, Dublin 8, Dublin

Morning Prayer is part of the ancient church daily prayer offices (prayer cycle) which have been celebrated throughout the centuries. This is a simplified form of the office which includes: […]

Event Series Midday Eucharist

Midday Eucharist

Christ Church Cathedral Christchurch Place, Dublin 8, Dublin

There is no charge to attend services. All are welcome! You can watch the service online here: Watch Online  

Event Series Evening Prayer

Evening Prayer

Christ Church Cathedral Christchurch Place, Dublin 8, Dublin

You can access the Service Sheet here: Service Sheet You can access the book of Psalms here: Daily Office Psalm Book You can watch the service online here: Watch Online

Talking Down the Clock Poetry Book Launch

Christ Church Cathedral Christchurch Place, Dublin 8, Dublin

'Talking Down the Clock' and other poems. Seamus Cashman, founding publisher of Wolfhound Press, launches his 5th book of poetry in Christ Church Cathedral Crypt on his 80th birthday. Observing, […]

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