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Big Sing for Peata!

Christ Church Cathedral is offering an unparalleled opportunity to girls aged 10-16 to take part in the annual celebration of beloved charity Peata Pet Therapy.

You will form the celebration choir for the carol service enjoyed by people and animals alike. Over the course of four weeks, you will take part in intensive rehearsals lead by experienced vocal professionals, learn valuable transferrable skills, and make new friends. Rehearsals will take place on Mondays and Wednesdays, 17:00-18:00 at Christ Church Cathedral, starting on Monday 13 November, culminating with a carol service at 13:15 on Tuesday 12 December.

Spaces on this project are limited and highly sought-after, so informal auditions will take place in the week beginning 6 of November.

To register your interest and receive a time-slot, please complete this Google form. No preparation is necessary for the audition. Participants in the Big Sing for Peata will be prioritised in consideration for permanent membership of the Cathedral Choir.

Any queries can be sent to Tom Little, the Director of Music, at ei.hcruhctsirhc@elttil.mot.


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