Visiting Choirs
We are always delighted to welcome visiting choirs to Christ Church Cathedral.
Choirs come from all over the world to sing in the cathedral and to enjoy life in Ireland’s vibrant capital city.
The ancient and beautiful cathedral boasts a glorious warm acoustic, a magnificent three-manual organ by Kenneth Jones and a large and well-equipped Music Room.
Choirs are welcome to sing the Sunday Morning Eucharist and Evensong on Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday, and they are guaranteed a warm welcome from the clergy and community.
Most available dates fall during the months of July and August when the cathedral choirs are on holiday. Additionally, the week following Christmas and Easter can be requested.
If you want to know more about bringing your choir to Christ Church, contact Assistant Director of Music James Short on ei.hcruhctsirhc@trohs.semaj.
Or if you would like to perform a lunchtime recital during your stay in Dublin, you can contact Sophie Gough at ei.hcruhctsirhc@hguog.eihpos.
For information on Performance Groups, please see here.
Please find application forms here and a handbook for visiting choirs here.