Centring prayer is a method of prayer that comes out of the Christian tradition, principally The Cloud of Unknowing, by an anonymous 14th Century author and St. John of the Cross. The historical roots of centring prayer go back to St. Joseph’s Abbey in Spencer, Massachusettes, where Fr. Thomas Keating was abbot from 1961 to 1981. Today centring prayer is practiced by people from all over the world with many networks of small faith communities such as Contemplative Outreach Irelandwho in communion with many other networks from around the world are contributing to the renewal of the Christian contemplative dimension of the Gospel in everyday life.
A workshop designed to teach the method of centring prayer was held today (7 September 2013) in the Music Room of the cathedral. Participants from all over the city gathered to hear Siobhan Semple from Contemplative Outreach Ireland explain the method. They also had the opportunity throughout the morning to try 2 centring prayer sittings – the word used for a 20 minute period of contemplation using the centring prayer method.
One participant said, “It is special to come to this ancient site to learn more about this ancient method. I will take what I learn today on with me in my faith journey.”
A centring prayer group meets every Wednesday night in the Crypt of Christ Church Cathedral beginning at 7.30pm. For more information please ring the Revd Garth Bunting on 01 6778099.
Some of the participants having a coffee break during the workshop.