The Friends of Christ Church Cathedral
The Friends’ Office, The Chapter House, Christchurch Place, Dublin 8
Mobile:087 7906062 Email: moc.liamg@sdneirfbudccc
February 2015
Saturday 21st March
Visit Maynooth College
We meet with Professor R Gillespie at Maynooth Castle at 1.50 p.m.
Travel Bus N0 66/67 from Merrion Square or 66X from UCD Belfield, train from Connolly Station (15 minute stroll to town center). The College is only a few minutes from the town centre. There are numerous eateries of all price ranges.
Please book before 9th March
Tuesday 28th April
Visit St Fin Barre’s Cathedral – Cork’s Gothic Cathedral
Optional: – Lunch at Farm Gate Café English Market 12.15
Average cost of main course €15 (pay by cash requested).
Recommend 9 am. train from Heuston Station – it is advisable to be at Station by 8.30 to get your ticket. You may wish to book your seat on line at or ‘phone 1850 366 222. Shuttle Bus No 205 from Cork Station passes English Market (2nd stop on St Patrick’s Street). We plan to return on the 5.20 pm. train arriving Dublin at 8 pm. approx.
If you are travelling on the 9 am. train, please advise Lesley Rue so that we can look out for you at Cork Station. Please let her know also if you wish to join us for the walk from the English Market to the Cathedral.
If you are not lunching at Farm Gate Café meet at Grand Parade Entrance English Market at 1.30 pm. for a 10 minute walk (approx) from the Market to the Cathedral, or at St Fin Barre’s no later than 1.50 p.m.
Please book before 20th April
Pilgrimage to Greece 3-10 May 2016
Please let Lesley know if you are interested
If you wish to attend any of the events listed above then please download and fill out the form below
Friends of Christ Church Cathedral Interest Form
Over the years, Christ Church Cathedral Dublin has benefited greatly from donations made by its many Friends, such as chairs dedicated to loved ones.
We are currently completing a project to catalogue and record the dedications of old and new chairs.
If you have a dedication plaque at home we should be very grateful if you could send us the following information, so that we can ensure it is included:
Name of person to whom the chair is dedicated
Dedication message
A photo of the plaque (if possible)
Please email the information by April 30th 2015, to the special email address we have set up moc.liamg@lardehtachcruhctsirhcsriahc or post the information to:
Mrs. Lesley Rue, The Friends’ Office, Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin 8.
We shall be publishing and sharing this register on the Website and a copy in book format will also be on view at the West End of the Cathedral.
Trinity Sunday:
31 May. Further details will be in Spring/Summer ‘Friends News’ which will be published towards early May.