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Worship & Music

Christ Church Cathedral welcomes you to worship with us and enjoy our music which has played an integral part in the life of Christ Church Cathedral since its monastic roots.

We preserve a rhythm of daily morning and evening prayer, in the Anglican tradition, with both said and sung services where music and singing from our famous organ and choirs help to elevate our worship and prayer.

Come join us in prayer and music for a truly unique experience.

What’s On Today

24th January

Upcoming Services

Tuesday 21 January

18:00 Choral Evensong sung by the choir of Christ Church Cathedral, Service Sheet 

Thursday 23 January

18:00 Choral Evensong sung by the choir of Christ Church Cathedral, Service Sheet 

Sunday 26 January

11:00 The Cathedral Eucharist sung by the choir of Christ Church Cathedral, Service Sheet

15:30 Choral Evensong sung by the choir of Christ Church Cathedral, Service Sheet 

Doors open 30 minutes in advance of choral services.

Daily Services

Monday-Friday (Excluding bank holidays).

10.00 Said Morning Prayer Service sheet
(via webcam)

12.00 Said Peace Prayers (via webcam)

12.45 Said Eucharist (via webcam)

17.00  Said Evening Prayer (when there is no choral evensong) Service sheet
(via webcam)

18.00  Choral Evensong (Tuesdays and Thursdays during choir term) (via webcam)

Daily Office Psalm Book


Sung Eucharist    11.00

Choral Evensong  15.30 (during choir term)

There is no charge to attend services.
All are welcome!

Recorded Services and Devotionals

During periods of lockdown we have recorded a number of services and reflections to share online. We hope these video prayer reflections will encourage prayer and a sense of God’s peace in these difficult times.

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