Latest News

Keep up to date with all the latest news from the Christ Church Cathedral team.

Historic Structures Funding

The Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage have awarded the Cathedral €171,000.00 under the Historic Structures Fund 2024. Below is the excerpt from the application detailing the works that

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Polish Audio Guide

In a week of special visits, we also welcomed H.E. Mr Arkady Rzegocki, Ambassador of Poland to Ireland along with Counsellor Mr. Klaudiusz Tchórzewski to launch our new audio guide

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Portuguese Audio Guide

The launch of our new audio guide available in Portuguese continued on Wednesday 19 June when we welcomed Deputy Head of Mission for Portugal, Mr Henrique Sousa de Azevedo to

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Portuguese Audio Guide

On the 18 June we had the pleasure of welcoming Counsellor Mr. George Marques from the Embassy of Brazil to the cathedral to experience our new audio guide available in Portuguese.

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May-September 2024 opening hours

We’re extending our opening hours for visiting as of the 1st May – 30 September inclusive. Monday, Wednesday, Friday & Saturday 09:00-18:30 Tuesday & Thursday 09:00-17:30 Sunday 12:30-15:00 16:30-18:30 Last

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