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The Cathedral Eucharist sung by the Cathedral Choir

Christ Church Cathedral Christchurch Place, Dublin 8, Dublin, Dublin, Ireland

The Church of Ireland continues to use an order of service derived from the ancient common practice of the Christian Church. This liturgy is divided into two parts: the ministry of the word and the ministry of the sacrament. In the ministry of the word, passages from the Bible (Old Testament, Epistles and Gospels) are […]

Choral Evensong sung by the Cathedral Choir

Christ Church Cathedral Christchurch Place, Dublin 8, Dublin, Dublin, Ireland

Cathedral Choral Evensong is essentially a service of reflection—of leaving ourselves open that God may speak to us through the psalms, readings and canticles, which are the core of the service. Cathedrals with a great choral tradition draw upon a rich inheritance of music, much of it sung by the choir alone. In the Anglican […]

Cathedral Choir midterm break

Christ Church Cathedral Christchurch Place, Dublin 8, Dublin, Dublin, Ireland

The Cathedral Choir are on their midterm break from Monday 17 February - Wednesday 26 February inclusive. There is no Choral Evensong on Tuesday & Thursday evening, and Sunday afternoon during these dates. Please see our calendar for daily services during these dates.

Said Evening Prayer

Christ Church Cathedral Christchurch Place, Dublin 8, Dublin, Dublin, Ireland

You can access the Service Sheet here: Service Sheet You can access the book of Psalms here: Daily Office Psalm Book You can watch the service online here: Watch Online

Said Evening Prayer

Christ Church Cathedral Christchurch Place, Dublin 8, Dublin, Dublin, Ireland

You can access the Service Sheet here: Service Sheet You can access the book of Psalms here: Daily Office Psalm Book You can watch the service online here: Watch Online

The Cathedral Eucharist sung by the Cathedral Choir

Christ Church Cathedral Christchurch Place, Dublin 8, Dublin, Dublin, Ireland

The Church of Ireland continues to use an order of service derived from the ancient common practice of the Christian Church. This liturgy is divided into two parts: the ministry of the word and the ministry of the sacrament. In the ministry of the word, passages from the Bible (Old Testament, Epistles and Gospels) are […]

Choral Evensong sung by the Cathedral Choir

Christ Church Cathedral Christchurch Place, Dublin 8, Dublin, Dublin, Ireland

Cathedral Choral Evensong is essentially a service of reflection—of leaving ourselves open that God may speak to us through the psalms, readings and canticles, which are the core of the service. Cathedrals with a great choral tradition draw upon a rich inheritance of music, much of it sung by the choir alone. In the Anglican […]

Said Evening Prayer

Christ Church Cathedral Christchurch Place, Dublin 8, Dublin, Dublin, Ireland

You can access the Service Sheet here: Service Sheet You can access the book of Psalms here: Daily Office Psalm Book You can watch the service online here: Watch Online

Choral Evensong sung by the Cathedral Choir

Christ Church Cathedral Christchurch Place, Dublin 8, Dublin, Dublin, Ireland

Cathedral Choral Evensong is essentially a service of reflection—of leaving ourselves open that God may speak to us through the psalms, readings and canticles, which are the core of the service. Cathedrals with a great choral tradition draw upon a rich inheritance of music, much of it sung by the choir alone. In the Anglican […]

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